What is your name? Who we are is what Christ sees in us. Declared Righteous, we are led out of the tombs to sit at his feet, where we have…
Pastor Gregory's sermon was read during the service by Dave Farabaugh, an elder in the congregation.
Due to an equipment failure we have no audio of this sermon.
To the confused and misunderstanding disciples, Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit as their guide. May He ever be our guide, too!
The Good Shepherd speaks plainly to comfort His sheep with the promise that no one can snatch them out of His hand.
Like Simon Peter, we live not as failures but as those forgiven by risen Jesus.
We need this Holy Week. We need this Jesus. He entered Jerusalem as King, and now He comes to do His kingly work among us.
After the two-by-four of the law hit the prodigal son in the pigsty, something stronger than a two-by-four leaves a more permanent mark . . . on him and on…
Suffering and evil are real problems, so God took real action. He so loved the world that He sent His Son to do battle against sin, evil, suffering, death, and…
Jesus goes on to death in Jerusalem, saying, "I would gather you as a hen gathers her brood under her wings!"