Into temptation. That’s where we find ourselves. Satan puts his bullseye on the hearts of baptized Christians. But into temptation is also where the Holy Spirit led Jesus. Why? Because…
The children of Israel didn’t deserve it, but by grace God promised to deliver them. He said that He would be their God, and they would be His people. As…
Even as Jesus reveals His glory in the transfiguration, He has a mission to accomplish. He will not stay on the mountain, as Peter wishes. The Father says of Him,…
Our culture tells us that turnabout’s fair play. But Jesus’ kingdom is not of this world. He teaches us to love our enemies. Impossible? For us, yes. For Him, no.…
St. Peter spent all night fishing but caught nothing. At times we can relate to that frustration and futility at home, at work, and in daily life. But the Word…
We welcome The Rev. Dr. James Tino as guest preacher and celebrant this morning. Pastor Tino has served pastoral ministry as a missionary in Latin America and as founder and…
With the Father’s words in His ears, Jesus entered into His ministry and the obedience that led Him to the cross for us. Now He comes to our ears to…