With St. John on the island of Patmos, we find that we are not alone. By grace through faith in Christ Jesus, we belong to the communion of saints and…
Jesus came to set people free, especially those trapped in slavery to sin. By putting on the form of a slave and becoming sin for us, He has set us…
We look down on the Pharisee for his pride and judgmental attitude, only to realize that we've been exactly like him. How do we respond? With heads hanging low and…
Scripture alone reveals our Savior, Jesus Christ, because Scripture alone is inspired by God!
St. Paul uses the images of soldier, athlete, and farmer to encourage St. Timothy in his calling as pastor and to encourage all of us Christians in our allegiance to…
Do we expect to be applauded for simply doing our duty? If only we had done that much! Jesus, our Master, gives us more than we expect and much more…
Would you rather trade places with the rich man or with poor Lazarus who had nothing in this life? Jesus alone chose to take the place of the poor man,…
St. Paul exhorts men and women away from sin and toward their proper roles in the Church. Why? Because God desires all people—men and women—to be saved and to come…
In Luke 15:1-10, Jesus uses two little parables to tell us about how He searches for the lost, finds them, and then rejoices in their restoration. There is joy in…
Jesus tells the crowds the truth about being His disciple: There's a cost to following Him. The cost includes both the loves that get left behind and the crosses that…