Whatever it was that pulled us toward Christ—a star, the light, a search for peace or hope—the real epiphany is the same for us as it was for the magi:…
What's it like to be Joseph at Christmas? Confusing! Yet, like Joseph, we find ourselves part of a bigger story, the story in which God sends His Son into the…
In the struggle to live by faith, John the Baptist and his disciples turn again to Jesus, the source of comfort: "Are You the One who is to come, or…
Advent looks backward to the first coming of King Jesus, His coming in humility, and forward to His second coming, His coming in glory. As we watch and wait for…
Want to know how it will all turn out in the end? St. Luke points to Jesus on the cross, forgiving His enemies and promising paradise to the repentant thief.…
We don't know when it will be, but you can put it on your calendar: our Lord Jesus Christ will come again in a cloud with power and great glory.…