St. Paul was provoked and distressed when he saw that Athens was full of idols. What might he say about us and the world in which we live? Most of…

His Sheep

April 30, 2023
We're all sheep, that is, sheep for whom the Good Shepherd laid down His life and whom He calls by name. As we hear His voice and follow Him, He…
The two disciples on the road to Emmaus were disappointed . . . until they discovered who it was that had joined them in their journey, opened the Scriptures to…

Jesus Is Risen!

April 9, 2023
It's not a dream; it's not made up. The witnesses are clear about what they heard and saw: Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified, lives! Our good Lord is risen…

A King Like No Other

April 2, 2023
Expectations are high as Jesus enters Jerusalem. What kind of king will He be? He comes not to do the will of the people who welcome Him with palms but…