People seek Jesus because they love bread and want to fill their bellies, but He offers them and you even more: Himself as the very bread of eternal life.
It isn't easy to trust Jesus, especially in the middle of a storm, but He demonstrates that He is God by walking on water to the weary disciples. What He…
Even in a desolate place, Jesus can't help but be a Good Shepherd. He cares for the sheep by teaching them and feeding them, just as He cares for you.
In every church, there's a lot that needs doing, but the main point of every service, every Sunday is how God serves us in Christ
Thorns in the flesh - God’s power being made perfect in weaknesses that all may rely on His all-sufficent grace.
The Lord crosses the sea to help a little girl at the point of death and a bleeding woman.
Jesus’ stills the raging sea. The ‘great calm’ produces a ‘great fear’ in the disciples. Why?
The seed grows, though the gardener doesn't know how. But God does! Because the seed is Christ and He comes to us through the Word and that Word makes it…
Jesus compares Satan's realm to a kingdom, a house, and Satan as a strong man, but Jesus Himself entered the strong man's house to bind and plunder him, and he…
The crushing weight of our sin was born by Jesus of Nazareth, the beloved Son of the Father and the One on whom the Holy Spirit rested. His death and…