Who are we? How are we to live? And to what end? The Bible study on 1 Peter wraps up with a look at Christian identity, the exhortations, and the…
Study how St. Peter presents Christ's sufferings, blood, resurrection, ascension, and coming return in glory, along with another look at 1 Peter 5:6-11
Peter encourages persecuted Christians to stand firm in the one thing that is truly trustworthy: God's grace in Christ Jesus, who suffered at the hands of evil men.
Peter lifts up the eyes of his suffering and fearful brothers and sisters to the objective reality of the victorious Savior. Christ's successful work and triumphant coronation provide the basis…
Our hope through Christ doesn't free us from living in the world. It frees us for living in the world.
Having hope through Christ, even those who face hostility and suffering can live holy lives with boldness and confidence.
1 Peter is a "letter of hope" written to the people of God who are faced with various trials, such as hostility from the world and persecutions.