Bible Text: Luke 24:1–12 | Preacher: Pastor Peter Gregory | From the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke, chapter twenty-four, verses 5 through 8: AS [THE WOMEN] WERE FRIGHTENED AND…
Bible Text: Ephesians 4:32-5:2 | Preacher: Pastor Michael Hintze
Bible Text: Mark 14:1-10 | Preacher: Pastor R. Michael Hintze
Bible Text: Luke 23:35-43 | Preacher: Pastor R. Michael Hintze
Bible Text: Leviticus 16:8-10, 21-22 | Preacher: Pastor R. Michael Hintze
Bible Text: Matthew 26:46-50a | Preacher: Pastor R. Michael Hintze
The Transfiguration.
Jesus calms a storm.