The Nativity with Joseph

December 22, 2019
“Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way” (v 18), but what St. Matthew gives us isn’t the classic nativity scene but Christmas from Joseph’s perspective. For…

Taking Doubt to Jesus

December 15, 2019
From prison, John the Baptist sent word by his disciples to Jesus, asking, “Are You the one who is to come, or shall we look for another?” (v 3). It’s…
You know it's Advent when you start hearing the voice of John the Baptizer. He's a preacher of repentance and faith, not a preacher of happy holidays. Have we treated…

Leading the Way

December 1, 2019
As a new Church year begins, we repent of following the world. In answer to our cry of "Hosanna!”—“Save us, now!”—Jesus does exactly that. He saves us and sets us…