December 18, 2019

Prophesied by Isaiah: The Ransomed Shall Return

Passage: Isaiah 35:1-10
Service Type:

Bible Text: Isaiah 35:1-10 | Preacher: Pastor Peter Gregory | One of the deepest human longings is the longing for home. Isaiah looks ahead to a time when God’s people are away form home, in exile, living in a foreign land but desiring home. We, too, live as strangers in a strange land. It’s hard to sing in exile. And how are we to return? Isaiah tells us that God provides a way for His people. The Glory of the Lord turns the wilderness into a garden. He strengthens us for the journey. He lays out a highway for His people. Jesus Himself is “the Way” (Jn 14:6). So the Ransomed shall return via Jesus the way—and we’ll return with joy and singing.
