July 28, 2019

“Lord, Teach Us To Pray”

Passage: Luke 11:1-13
Service Type:

Bible Text: Luke 11:1-13 | Preacher: Pastor Peter Gregory | With these words, we confess our failure to pray, and we also turn to Jesus for help. And He does help. Not only does He teach us to pray, He even takes our failure in prayer to His cross. He died to give us the privilege of praying like Him, as Son of the Father. He paid the price for our adoption into God’s family. He redeemed us by His holy, precious blood and His innocent suffering and death. This is the beauty and the joy of prayer: It doesn’t depend on us. It depends on Him. It comes as a gift. When we pray, our prayers are signed, sealed, and delivered by His blood. When it comes to praying, you’re never alone. Never on your own. You’re always praying with Jesus, always learning to pray from His cross, learning to pray as a baptized and redeemed child of God.
