How many times had they been through this before—death, burial, mourning? But what happened on Easter Sunday had never happened before. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed, the first…
How many times had they been through this before—death, burial, mourning? But what happened on Easter Sunday had never happened before. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed, the first…
On Good Friday, the bill for man’s sin came due . . . and was paid in full by Jesus on the cross.
On Good Friday, the bill for man’s sin came due . . . and was paid in full by Jesus on the cross.
As the threads come together, the disciples receive their first shock when Jesus says, “One of you will betray Me.” But an even greater shock comes when Jesus takes the…
As the threads come together, the disciples receive their first shock when Jesus says, “One of you will betray Me.” But an even greater shock comes when Jesus takes the…
Jesus wills to serve us by His death, so that we might serve othrs by our lives.
Jesus wills to serve us by His death, so that we might serve othrs by our lives.