Crucified, risen, and ascended on high, Jesus prays for His disciples, for the whole Church, and for us Christians, that we would be kept in the true faith as we…
After reading the entire letter, this Bible study takes up these questions: To whom is 2 Peter written? What does the letter itself tell us about the author? What are…
"Love one another" sounds like it should be simple, but it's not. Not for us. But it's exactly who Jesus is and what He did. He loved us through the…
"Love one another" sounds like it should be simple, but it's not. Not for us. But it's exactly who Jesus is and what He did. He loved us through the…
Who are we? How are we to live? And to what end? The Bible study on 1 Peter wraps up with a look at Christian identity, the exhortations, and the…
First the vine, then the branches, finally the fruit. In Christ the true vine, this is how it goes still. God the Gardener tends and prunes the branches to produce…
First the vine, then the branches, finally the fruit. In Christ the true vine, this is how it goes still. God the Gardener tends and prunes the branches to produce…
Christ promised that His sheep hear His voice and follow Him, and that nothing can snatch them out of His hands. Trusting this promise, we remember and give thanks for…
There is only one Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, who loves and cares for us, His sheep. He laid down His life for us and took it up again that we…