Jesus compares Satan's realm to a kingdom, a house, and Satan as a strong man, but Jesus Himself entered the strong man's house to bind and plunder him, and he…
The Apostle Peter warns of false teachers who are greedy for gain, despise authority, and encourage followers to engage in sinful desires. Their judgment, he says, is certain, but so…
The crushing weight of our sin was born by Jesus of Nazareth, the beloved Son of the Father and the One on whom the Holy Spirit rested. His death and…
The crushing weight of our sin was born by Jesus of Nazareth, the beloved Son of the Father and the One on whom the Holy Spirit rested. His death and…
This week's study of reviews 2 Peter 1:3-15 before covering St. Peter's eyewitness testimony to Jesus' transfiguration and his teaching about the prophetic word in 1:16-21.
The power of the Holy Spirit is seen in the kind of people He works with and in making those people wholly alive, just as we see with the prophet…
The power of the Holy Spirit is seen in the kind of people He works with and in making those people wholly alive, just as we see with the prophet…
This week's study of 2 Peter continued with the greeting in 1:1-2 and the opening exhortation in 1:3-11.
Crucified, risen, and ascended on high, Jesus prays for His disciples, for the whole Church, and for us Christians, that we would be kept in the true faith as we…
Crucified, risen, and ascended on high, Jesus prays for His disciples, for the whole Church, and for us Christians, that we would be kept in the true faith as we…