Hard Words, Good and True

September 26, 2021
Jesus speaks words that are hard to hear, but true and good for us. Sin in our members must be cut off, and it is cut off through Holy Baptism.…
As the disciples argue about who is the greatest, Jesus, the Greatest One of all, follows the path of dying and rising for little ones, children, and all who receive…

The Spirit and the Word

September 12, 2021
Though Jesus' words appear ordinary, they are anything but ordinary! His words are alive with the life-giving Spirit, and they do and deliver exactly what they say. (Credit to Pastor…

Inside, Out and Outside, In

August 29, 2021
Though we're often quick to put blame on things outside us, Jesus points to what is inside us, in "the heart of man." Not only does He diagnose the problem,…
Marriage is a window into the relationship of Christ and the Church. Just how does the Church submit to Christ? Our sinful nature would rather die! But Christ loved the…