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Due to an equipment failure we have no audio recording for this service.
To the confused and misunderstanding disciples, Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit as their guide. May He ever be our guide, too!
To the confused and misunderstanding disciples, Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit as their guide. May He ever be our guide, too!
The Good Shepherd speaks plainly to comfort His sheep with the promise that no one can snatch them out of His hand.
Luke 6:12-16 The Twelve Apostles, and Luke 6:17-19 Jesus Ministers to a Great Multitude
The Good Shepherd speaks plainly to comfort His sheep with the promise that no one can snatch them out of His hand.
Like Simon Peter, we live not as failures but as those forgiven by risen Jesus.
Luke 5:33-39 A Question About Fasting, Luke 6:1-4 Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath, and Luke 6:6-11 A Man with a Withered Hand
Like Simon Peter, we live not as failures but as those forgiven by risen Jesus.