Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!
Psalm 115:1 (ESV)

Pastor Peter Gregory
Pastor Peter Gregory was born and raised in Traverse City, Michigan (if the back of your left hand is Michigan’s Lower Peninsula, it’s tip of your pinky), where his father is a fruit grower with cherry and apple orchards. He grew up driving tractor “on the farm,” working long hours during harvest, and eating plenty of fresh fruit. He was baptized and confirmed at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Leland. His mother homeschooled him and his three siblings. After graduating from Hillsdale College with a degree in history, he studied for the ministry at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana, including a study-abroad year in Cambridge, England, and a vicarage (internship) at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Palo Alto, California. He was ordained at St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne on October 19, 2008, serving first as assistant and then as associate pastor, until accepting the call to serve Our Savior in March 2015. He is married to Kristen and they have seven children at home and one home with Jesus.
Sue Morrell, Administrative Assistant
Sue Morrell, the administrative assistant, grew up in the countryside of Australia, the majority of which was a farming community in Western Australia. She was raised in a Christian family and attended many different Protestant churches. After completing high school she moved to Perth and became a registered nurse, followed by midwifery in Reading, United Kingdom. After much traveling and work at home and abroad, she then joined the staff of L’Abri Fellowship in Hampshire, UK. She and Joe married and in 1995 they joined the L’Abri work in Southborough, Massachusetts, where they worked until 2016 when they moved to Gardner. Sue and Joe have been members of Our Savior since 2005. They have two adult sons who live in Waltham, Massachusetts.
Pastor Ed Schneeflock
Recently ordained, Pastor Ed Schneeflock serves as Pastor of Christ Lutheran Church in Troy, New Hampshire while continuing to serve Our Savior as Assistant Pastor. A long-time member of the congregation Ed completed the Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) Program offered at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Ed and his wife, Kathy, live in Ashburnham