So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.
Romans 10:17 (ESV)

Faith comes from hearing the word of God. From the very young to the very old, we strive to provide opportunities for Bible study and learning. Whether in the home or in the church, we encourage both formal and informal study.
We hear the Word weekly from the pulpit during worship and then in an informal but structured way during Bible class after service.
While offering child care for those three and under, we encourage parents to bring their children to worship and are glad to have the little ones with us. As they come regularly, even young children will learn to sing and speak along with everyone else in the service.
Sunday School begins with a preschool class and continues for all age groups through our Adult Bible Class. These are all held following morning worship. Before the classes but after worship, there is a short break for coffee and refreshments and time to catch up with each other.
Formal classes are offered for older children ready to assume the responsibility of church membership. Adults are invited to attend instruction in the faith, which is offered periodically throughout the year. The instruction class provides an overview of our beliefs and practices, either as a lead in to joining the church or simply as a refresher course.
Other studies and classes are offered on occasion, with information in our weekly bulletin insert. There are also opportunities for study, growth, and fellowship through the Men’s Breakfast, Merry Mysteries, Ladies’ Book Club, The Journey (a group for widows), and other groups within the congregation.