Come and listen to Jesus. Learn about and receive His gifts. Enjoy Christian fellowship.
Join us for Sunday Worship at 10:00 am and 5:00 pm. Please note the change in time for the evening service.
No evening service on January 22nd.
Sunday School for children and youth and a Bible class for adults, are held Sunday morning following the worship service at 11:45 am.
Christmas Eve Services:
4:00 PM Vespers
8:00 pm Lessons & Carols
Christmas Day:
11:00 am Divine Service
The Adult Bible class is currently studying 1st Corinthians.
Visit Us
Learn what to expect when visiting Our Savior Lutheran Church. You will find directions to the church as well as answers to common questions.
How We Grow
We offer a variety of formal and informal groups including Sunday School, Adult Bible Class, Men’s Breakfast, Ladies’ Book Club, Merry Mysteries, and The Journey.
Listen to Sermons
Listen to the latest sermon, find past sermons, or search for a sermon on a specific passage.